The Board of Directors of AAME oversees investment decisions and decides how to disburse proceeds from the Endowment Fund.
The Board of Directors are all volunteers who receive no compensation. The Endowment has no paid staff.

Mary Sholton Witte
Co-President, Treasurer
The daughter of one of Alaska’s best-known aviation families, Mary Sholton Witte was born in Anchorage, Alaska, in 1963 to Rita and Bobby Sholton. Mary began working in the aviation industry in Seattle following her graduation from the University of Montana, Missoula. In 1990, she joined her family’s business, Northern Air Cargo. Mary worked in various positions throughout the company, becoming president in 1996. After helping to identify and select a new president for Northern Air Cargo, Mary ran the company’s fuel business, Northern Air Fuel. In 2005, she helped her family sell both companies. Mary is currently the managing member of RAMP, LLC and RNS, Investment LLC, performing investment management for the companies. She also works alongside her husband, John, in their freight-forwarding business, Naniq Global Logistics, LLC. Mary is active in the Marfan Foundation, serving on its board for many years, and currently serves on its finance committee.

Nancy Seybert Schierhorn
Co-President, Board Member
Nancy grew up in the state of Washington and has lived in Alaska for 33 years. Her family has roots in Bristol Bay dating back to 1950, when her grandparents moved to Pilot Point as schoolteachers for the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs. After graduating from law school in 1986, Nancy and her husband, Joe, settled in Anchorage. Following 25 years of private practice, Nancy worked as in–house counsel for ExxonMobil Corporation and Bristol Bay Native Corporation (BBNC). She is currently the Executive Vice President, Chief Corporate Development Officer for BBNC and is responsible for mergers, acquisitions and investments for BBNC and its subsidiaries. Nancy and Joe have three grown boys – Chris, Brad and Eric – and are avid sports fans due to their sons’ participation in hockey and baseball. Nancy is an accomplished athlete herself and competes regularly in the grueling Mount Marathon Race.

Orin Seybert
Orin Seybert founded PenAir in Pilot Point, Alaska, in 1955 and grew it into one of the largest regional airlines in Alaska, with service between Anchorage, Bristol Bay and the Aleutians. It also offers service from Boston to three Northeast communities. Orin soloed at age 16 and earned his commercial license at 18. He has flown for more than five decades, earning the FAA “Master Pilot” award for 50 years of piloting without an injury and a Coast Guard “Gold Life-Saving” medal for a rescue he performed. He joined the Alaska Air Carriers Association in 1966 and served on its board of directors and as chairman from 1978-1981. Orin served as president of the Alaska Aviation Museum for many years and continues on its board of directors.

Steve Pannone
Board Member
Mr. Steven R. Pannone is a private pilot with over 2,000 hours of Pilot in Command time. He is rated in Single Engine Land and Sea Airplanes. Mr. Pannone owns a 1958 Cessna 180 with floats and wheels, a 1947 Piper PA12 on floats, wheels and skis, and a 1964 Piper PA 28 Cherokee 180. Steve grew up around aviation when his father brought him to Alaska in 1965. He grew up on Merrill field where his father worked as an Air Traffic Controller. Steve started sky diving at the age of 16 and accumulated over 1,100 jumps. He obtained his private pilots license in the summer of 1988 from Aero Tech Flight School. Mr. Pannone is a graduate of the University of Alaska-Fairbanks and is a licensed Civil Engineer in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Maine, and Florida. He is a Fellow with the American Society of Civil Engineers. Mr. Pannone has been working with the Aviation Museum providing Engineering recommendations for their additions and displays since 2000. He became a member of the endowment board in June of 2022.
Rick Richter
Board Member
Rick was born and raised in Butte, Montana. After graduating from the University of Montana, he served four years as an Infantry Officer in the United States Marine Corps. In 1969, while stationed at Camp Pendleton, he learned to fly; obtaining a single engine land, commercial, instrument, and flight instructor ratings. In 1970 Rick relocated to Anchorage and obtained a multi-engine land and single engine floatplane rating. He has logged over 4,000 hours of flight time. Rick spent 15 years working as a Commercial Banker and graduated from the Pacific Coast Banking School at the University of Washington. In 1989 he became a Commercial Real Estate Appraiser and earned the MAI professional designation. Rick has served on numerous boards and commissions including the Anchorage Boys Club and for seven years on the Municipal Platting Board. Rick retired in 2022.